Mona Lisa Cowboy is the first spin-off series of Yukata Cowboy ®. A dramatic comedy about estranged Chinese twins brought together by a Japanese-American cowboy in Paris. Playfully reflecting on misunderstandings, surprise encounters and the vagaries of an expat life, Mona Lisa Cowboy tells the universal story of wanderers living between cultures. Living abroad can be a curse or a blessing.


Mona Lisa Cowboy also reveals the backstory of Yukata Cowboy, a man who wanders through other people’s lives. A playful comedy about our multi-cultural world.
Filmed in Paris, Mona Lisa Cowboy co-stars Xin Wang, Chinese-Parisian actress, creator of French-Chinese hit "Ex-Model"). Line-produced by Drunken Dragon Productions.



View Episodes (password:  Paris) (3 min x 7 episodes)



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Premiered at Webfest Berlin in September 2017. It has also screened at UK Web Fest (London), Bilbao Seriesland (Spain), Rio Web Fest (Brazil) and Dub Web Fest (Ireland). The Japanese Embassy in Dublin has also endorsed it for their Ireland-Japan 60th Year Celebration in conjunction with the Dub Web Fest.  Atsushi was awarded Best Actor (Star AMETS) at Bilbao Seriesland 2017, and "Mona Lisa Cowboy" was awarded Special Jury Prize at DC Web Fest 2018.






© Globetrot Productions 2017