A cross-cultural sketch comedy series, centered around a culturally hybrid character - half American, half Japanese. With a cowboy hat, boots, lasso, Japanese "yukata" (traditional casual garment) and rapid-firing tongue, he drifts across different cultures in the U.S., Japan and Europe. Everywhere he goes, he tries to fit in, but the more he fits in, the more he gets mistaken for someone else… His experiences offer insights into the daily lives in different countries, focusing on aspects of everyday life across the globe, such as elevators, bowing, house guests, dining alone, riding trains or attending parades. These observations translate into something more universal, similar to Jerry Seinfeld’s stories about lost socks and dryers.
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YUKATA COWBOY was awarded Best Comedy Sketches (Dublin), Best Creative Concept, (Miami), Best Character - Amets & Web Series Mag Interview Awards (Bilbao), Special Mention (Sicily), Web Series Word Cup 2015 #12, Best Actor & Best Film Editing (Sketch Comedy - Rome), Best Web TV (Montreal), Best Screenplay and Best Sketch Comedy (Seoul, Korea), Silver Award (Washington D.C.) and nominated/selected in Rio, Geneva, Toronto, Rotterdam, Humburg, Tuscany, Giessen (Germany) and theatrically released in Tokyo. A Japanese/English bilingual book "An Unofficial Guide to Yukata Cowboy" was published by Yugakusha Publishing, Inc.
Writer, Director, Actor, Camera, Editing: Atsushi Ogata
Creative Consulting Producer: Sian Evans (Farthest Films)
Logo & Animation: Ben Hillman & Company
Animation: Karim Cherif
2nd Camera: Bandy, Raymond Ressy, Marcus Wilkinson, Nina Hasin
Theme Music: Pascal Plantinga ("Niminy Piminy")
Social Media and Outreach Coordinator: Arika Yanaka
Online Editing: Miki Inagawa
Japanese Subtitling: Orie Fukushi
Social Media and Outreach Coordinator: Arika Yanaka
Special Thanks to Robin Jones, Soraya Umewaka, John Amari, Creator Up, Brian Rodda
© Globetrot Productions 2015